Thursday, February 25, 2010

Last Post for February

Supp guys....
It's the 26th of February and that means that we have another 2 more days to March.
So being a lazy person, this could be the last post of this month. This does not mean that this is the last update of the blog (this is to those who love to misinterpret stuff). So to commemorate February, let me sum up what happened throughout this month in my life and, well practically other people's lives as well.

Obviously, first of all, February has given a lot. Take this as an example, we had Chinese New Year on Valentine's Day! For us, it's the very first time we've ever experienced it. The next one comes only after 500 years or so.... And when we have all those love were being spread around, there was also stuff that were spread around which we love a lot:

ANG PAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who doesn't love these things when they aren't empty?

There are other stuff that spices February up in my life. It actually happened like, yesterday. Actually, 2 events happened yesterday, which I deem as an historical event in our school. Being students that somehow doesn't know how to sing our national anthem, the school tends to be quiet when we sang the national anthem. Very much to my surprise, yesterday's performance was extremely different. I think the whole school sang the national anthem yesterday. Beat that, SK students. Another event in our school was a teacher going cuckoo, or probably in military terms, AWOL( does AWOL means crazy?) in our school. That's all I can tell about that incident, I do not want this to leak out as national news.

I wouldn't like to be this guy if I were you.

Well, there are pretty much a lot of events that happened throughout this shortest month of the year, but I enjoy being lazy so this is the end of this post. I hope you guys have a happy February. Till then,I'll be locking myself in my room, jumping on the bed till either on of us breaks.


P.S. this is not a defamation post. i love my school

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The story of the 3-legged frog

Sit down, children......
Let me tell you a story.
Of a frog.
Not just any frog, a 3-legged frog!

Ok, yes this is just a blog post, but it doesn't hurt to make myself feel wise....does it?
So here's how the story goes.

I was walking to my uncle's house at Glenmarie Cove( of course, I was there already, just
minding my own business there. You do not expect me to walk al the way to Klang, do you?)
Then, i fixed my eyes on this

A 3-legged frog!
Now, according to Chinese customs, the 3-legged frog is a symbol of fortune, so being Chinese, I was very lucky to stumble upon one. Cool huh?
It's so cool I want another pic in this post!

So I decide that I should do something with it, so I asked Uncle if I could put it into his pond.
Looking at the 3-legged frog, he nodded. So he took a styrofoam cup and tried to pick it up. Suprisingly, it seems to understand that we want to get him into the cup, and it laid motionless. We tried hard to push it into the cup, but it was just pushed forward. We finally realised that it was dead. So we flipped it over, and this will make you slam your head onto the keyboard, screaming:"WHAT THE F***?!"

Probably you can't see it..... let me show you

If you can't see it, try focusing on the circle, not the big WTF
If you still can't see it, you need to go to get an eye checkup, get your self a pair of spectacles and try reading this blogpost then.
If you still can't see it after all of the above has happened, go jump down from a building

Fishing is fun!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Long Lay-Off


Supp guys?
It's been a while since my last post and I think you guys deserve some freedom from this boredom!
First of all, I would like to say sorry to my fellow bloggers who were anticipating(LOL...not~) a post after 09, at least. But it has been really hectic, to tell you the truth-this year has been. January was really very tight, like you've read in my pal Johnny's blog,( I was having an exam prepared by the government. You might be thinking: What? Exam on January?? but yes, we have exams on January (sadly)

Probably the exam has cost me a month-long layoff from blogging (well, not really)
I couldn't think of any topics to blog about, thanks to my neighbour's best employee: her baby daughter. Why best employee? Does she get paid? No. I think best employee suits her well because she work in shifts-morning,afternoon,evening,night. What's her job? CRYING! She cries practically 9-10 hours per day, causing lack of sleep and other stuff.... Well, at least she isn't stroking dirty stray cats and letting them poop at our yard anymore....

You guys might have to wait for a long time before the next post comes out. This year is quite an important year for me and my fellow 17 year olds in Malaysia, because it is SPM year. Yes, SPm has practically screwed the lives of some people, so I will not let it screw me. Therefore a ratio of 3:1 study:blogging ratio has been set for me, and finding time to blog will be a great nuisance...

Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy this blog post coz this might be the 1st and last of the February posts. To make it special, I'll be posting this blog in light blue..... Those with eye problems and epilepsy be warned...LOL
