Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'll give you an A for that,young lady.

It frustrates me to see someone trying to catch another's attention when they're not good at it.
I don't know about you, but it's annoying.
In this case, it's about us trying to speak proper English.

Ok, you can say at least we make an effort to speak decent, if not proper English.
But, this effort of one made me laugh. Hard.

So I was at Subang Parade yesterday, since Dad had to attend a wedding dinner, AND Mom, Sis and I had to go find ourselves a place FOR dinner. That wasn't the issue, or the what this blog post is about.

So as we go on a hunt to find a restaurant with something decent and affordable to eat at Subang Parade, we stumbled upon a group of teens wearing costumes (weird....)

Apparently, they were promoting something, so they approached us.
I did the usual, ignore them, and then feel uncomfortable at the same time.
So this young lady aprroached me and told us about a show her centre will be performing.
I obligingly took her pamphlet as she explained to me about the show.
Here's what she said.

"Hello there, we are having a show this February at ( I don't know where the show is held, I suddenly had the urge to ignore her) and we would really like you all to come and give support"

I was really intrigued by the offer, until she asked me this question;

"So, are you interesting?"

At that point, I didn't look up. I looked down at the pamphlet, nodded my head and took a few steps before I burst out laughing!
I didn't turn back to see the dejected look she was sporting ( I know I didn't look, but common sense, who wouldn't feel hurt when they're being laughed at, regardless of what they have done to deserve this?)
I think she was asking me if I was interested with that offer, but instead, trying to impress me with her new found language, she asked me if I was interesting(which of course...I am..XD).

I was flattered, I almost wanted to turn back and say;
"Yeah, I AM interesting,thanks for the compliment, but I think your question was supposed to be if I was INTERESTED, thank you"
And THEN continue laughing...

I'm proud to be a Malaysian citizen at times, and that's because you get to think that people are laughing WITH you, but they're actually laughing AT you!


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