Monday, April 12, 2010


Hey there guys.
Regarding the topic above, you might be thinking:"What? Henry C, a vlogger???" And at this moment you imagine question marks floating above your head, just like the cartoons....
Like that???

Well anyways, back to the topic. Yes, I do want to try my hands on vlogging.
Why you ask?
Well, it all started with me checking youtube.
And then I found her.

Yup, the one and only Natalie Tran, youtube's favorite blogger.
The way she vlogs totally inspired me to become a vlogger myself. Unfortunately, I lack a certain something that makes vlogging complete:

These guys..... The main, and probably the most essential tools for a vlog. Without it, there is no vlog. Until I get my hands on these guys, I'll stay loyal to My Blog My Life.

Stay updated, my first vlog might be aired soon!

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