Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My England Very Good!

Today I want to give you guys a little smack on the head, those internet users who "abuse" the English language. ( I used abuse 'cos I don't know what suitable word to use, so abuse it is ) Recently, well, not really recently, I pledged myself to my trusty Facebook, and enjoy myself with scrolling down and looking at other people's posts and comments. And sorry to say, I'm really annoyed with the way certain people use English.
Take a statement for example.

A writes: I hate you! You ***** XD!!!!
B writes: Yah! You hates me so much, you sucks too!

Being that dude with a tinge of OCD, I B's english really bad, may it be just because of just one alphabet. The sentence;"You suck" is way much better than: "You sucks!"

Take another one

Benjy: I love you, you love me, we are happy family~~~
Anonymouse: Is it a songs?

Now, what??
Ok, Barney loves us, but, isn't it just a song, not 2, or 3, or 4 songs?
*I deliberately used the word Anonymouse, not Anonymous

Or this

Jane: I am love you!
John: Of course, me is so hot!

Now, both parties are at fault here, and I do not know which timeline they come from, Paleolithic? Neolithic? Mesolithic?
I don't wanna comment so much about this, because it puts me in shame if I knew this person, and I write really good English ( not like I can write good English )

Really, teens these days, especially us Chinese, should do better in English AND our mother tongue. You're not gonna be able to survive with that English you're typing, be it in Facebook or not.

Warning: This is NOT an insult post, but a reality check. So if you think of coming back to insult me, Sean. Read it PROPERLY, and if you can't go to your nearest optometrics store to get your eyes checked TODAY!

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