Saturday, September 19, 2009

Topics of My Whole Week

I miss you bloggers!
I can't believe that just after a week or so of not blogging....
My hands start to itch....
Well yea....I meant it metaphorically.....
But seriously.... I'm starting to go crazy from not blogging!
I may look like this

And please.....Don't be an idiot and go around the whole country saying that I am racist
I might as well tell you guys what had happened the whole week...
I'd rather highlight Thursday....
One, it's because Thursday was the last day before the Raya break...
Two, it was a day full of high octane fool!

That Thursday....
We Prefects cracked the Fireworks Ring Syndicate!
Well....Only the Form 4 branch lar....
Who was there.....
Brandon Ng, Kimberly, Kavya, me, and Daniel.....
The best thing was....
Those idiots gave themselves away!

After recess, they started burning up their homemade fireworks...
So when it exploded, they ran away....right to us
So we started questioning them....
And they started acting stupid.
Fortunately, Hon Kit saw something suspicious, and asked me to search the fire hose box...
I found two homemade ones...
And suddenly....I started trembling...
All thanks to Brandon who said :"Careful... It might explode!"
When it was successfully sent....
I heaved a sigh of relief...
Then we went to find the people....Because we suspected that they still have more....
We were right....
And just when we searched for the culprits...
One appeared to have gone to the back of his class, which was the school's carpark....
So of course.... Something was amiss....
He hid the fireworks!
But where....
We conducted a search around the whole school....
Some of us stopped searching....
So Brandon, Daniel and I were left...
We went to one place where we didn't search...
The most obvious place of all....
The back of the classes!
So we went to the backway....the first stop was the store room....
There was a big gaping hole there.... Since all the windows were broken at that particular hole...
And so I searched, and could find nothing....
Brandon on the other hand...had a sharper eyesight and found one packet of "sweets'
To confirm....we found out where they hid it!
So Brandon pulled it out....
The packet was HUGE!!

So we ran to the office....and all the teachers and the clerks were like....Whoa!
They couldn't believe the size of the packet....
And so.... The Form 4 Fireworks Ring was BUSTED!
No doubt.... We all, including Kim and Kav did a tremendously good job...
Hope that when school reopens next week....
We could go catch some more!

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